"Dangerous Mesothelioma"
John Kraus is not the only long-term heir of dangerous mesothelioma cancer malignancy. There are others. We have heard about them and spoke to some over the years. What is exciting is that many of these dangerous mesothelioma cancer malignancy heirs have something in common - they have all taken steps to improve or enhance their resistance process. Some used alternative or related solutions (with guidance from certified clinicians) while others took part in numerous studies of defense therapy.
This increases the question - does the resistance process are likely involved in managing dangerous mesothelioma? John Kraus' experience and those of other long-term dangerous mesothelioma cancer malignancy heirs indicates that such a function may be possible. In other segments of this website we present situation backgrounds of dangerous mesothelioma cancer malignancy heirs who were recognized with either pleural mesothelioma cancer malignancy or peritoneal mesothelioma cancer malignancy. In some of the pleural mesothelioma cancer malignancy situation backgrounds, doctors discuss the function that the person's resistance process may have performed in their extremely extensive success.
In 1986, an article showed up in a medical paper that mentioned this very issue of dangerous mesothelioma cancer malignancy and resistance.(1) This research focused on the defense tendencies of 118 healthy people compared to 20 people with dangerous mesothelioma cancer malignancy and 375 long-term mesothelioma staff who were cancer-free. The scientists wanted to know if there were any considerable variations in the defense tendencies of the mesothelioma cancer malignancy people. Their conclusions proven a relationship between the resistance process and dangerous mesothelioma cancer malignancy. For example:
· The number of total T (T11+) and T-helper (T4+) tissue were normal in mesothelioma staff with cancer malignancy, but were significantly reduced in people with mesothelioma cancer malignancy. T tissue orchestrate, control and organize the overall defense reaction.
· Most people with mesothelioma cancer malignancy had a powerful lack of in Natural Monster cell (NK) activity which is effective of the function the resistance process performs in the control of dangerous mesothelioma cancer malignancy. NK tissue are a type of deadly lymphocyte that target growth tissue and protect against a wide range of infected bacteria.
In the conversation section of the report, the scientists stated:
“These conclusions led us to take a position that scientific phenomena generally identified as serious immunosuppression associated with the presence of mesothelioma fibres in the exposed staff may have caused the ultimate malfunction of the host’s monitoring program and the start neoplasm [malignant mesothelioma].”
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